Sold: 10821 Teeter Court, Lawrence

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Real Estate

💥💥 SOLD! 💥💥

This terrific 4BDRM/2.5BA in Lawrene's stunning St. Claire Place has some new owners now!

Wishing you many, many years of magnificent memories in your beautiful new home!


With Gratitude,


p.s. Getting to the closing table doesn't happen on it's own.

It takes a lot of collaboration, effort and understanding to get there.

Special thanks to the gentlemanly Peter Montgomery of F.C. Tucker for his advocacy on behalf of his clients, as well as the conscientious Chad Terhune of Bailey & Wood Mortgage Lenders.

Additional thanks go to the terrific team at Title Services (lookin' at YOU, Cay) for their expert closing skills and remarkable ability to make everyone feel at ease.

We were all smiles in that closing room because of your dedication and service.

Best transaction ever!Â