Sold: 804 South Green Street in Brownsburg

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Real Estate


Some very fortunate new buyers get to call this remarkable 3BDRM/1.5BA ranch in bucolic Brownsburg--one of Indy's fastest growing areas--HOME! 

We wish you many happy memories in your new place!

With Gratitude,


p.s. Sitting 'round that closing table doesn't happen on it's own.

It takes skill, collaboration and vision to get there. Many, many thanks to John Hast of John Hast & Company and Patrick & Stephanie Wong of Happy Handy Patrick LLC for their invaluable assistance in getting the home ready to market.

Additional thanks go to Redfin Principal Agent Dru Cornett, as well as Zachary and his amazing team at Abstract Title in Brownsburg. 

Team work makes the dream work!